In the introductory article about Niveltronic Part 1, we presented an overview of the automatic grade and slope control system, the various components, and the functions of the sensors included in the Niveltronic system. In this Part 2, you will learn more about the operation, settings, and parameters of Vogele's Niveltronic Basic and Niveltronic Plus systems for automatic grade and slope control.

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

You can review Niveltronic Part 1 HERE for an overview of the automatic grade and slope control system, the different components, and the functions of the sensors included in the Niveltronic system.


Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

Below is a detailed comparison between Niveltronic Basic and Niveltronic Plus.


Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Display and F1 - F5 keys Keys for left or right side of screed
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
(1) Navigation cluster Display


Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Display and Keys
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control


1. Display: Sensor type

2. Display: Sensitivity

3. Display: Actual value

4. Display: Set value

5. Selection: Sensor type

6. Selection: Sensitivity

Equipped with more keys, offering more setting options: unlike Niveltronic Basic, the operator can control both sides of the screed from one side with Niveltronic Plus.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Measuring Device Display on Niveltronic Plus Display on Niveltronic Basic
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
  When referencing the height on both sides of the screed, the display also shows the screed's slope.  
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
No slope ±0% Slope to the left -1% (example) Slope to the right +1% (example)
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

Function keys: For making settings and changes as well as accessing submenus for both sides of the screed.

Convenient display: For monitoring and operating both sides of the screed.

Help display: Top row

- Position of the screed raising/lowering cylinders (left and right)

- Screed Assist ON/OFF symbol

- Float position ON/OFF symbol (left and right)

Cross LEDs: Monitoring of grade and slope control on both sides of the screed.

Cross LEDs: Monitoring of grade and slope control on both sides of the screed.

Keys: The screed remote control unit only has keys for the settings required for each connected side (sensitivity, sensor selection, quick set, adjustment of special values, calibration).

Function of the keys:

- When automatic grade and slope control is switched on: Adjustment of the specified value, but only for the corresponding side of the screed.

- When automatic grade and slope control is switched off: No function.

Display - minimized: Sensitivity (e.g., number 3), ground mode, default value, actual value.

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

When automatic grade and slope control is switched ON: Setting of special values.

When automatic grade and slope control is switched OFF: Manual positioning of the screed raising/lowering cylinders on both sides, which can be monitored from the paver operator's platform.


Operator Presets Available in both Niveltronic Basic and Niveltronic Plus

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Quick Set
Quick Set keys
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
With the quick set key F1 for the left side of the screed, the operator defines the displayed values as preset values. With the quick set key F5 for the right side of the screed, the operator defines the displayed values as preset values.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Height referencing with sonic sensors in Ground Mode Slope sensor
Sensor selection
Sensor selection keys
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
With the function keys F2 for the left side of the screed and F4 for the right side, the operator can select between the connected sensors (maximum of 3) and choose Ground Mode or Stringline Mode for referencing.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control


1. Sonic sensor in Ground Mode

2. Slope sensor, right side of the screed

Press the F2 key again to activate Stringline Mode on the left side of the screed.

Keys on the submenu:

- Niveltronic Plus: F3 key (left and right side of the screed)

- Niveltronic Basic: No submenu

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Main menu: Press the F3 key to open the submenu.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control


1. Calibration

2. Sensitivity

3. Working window / Control side

4. Brightness. Apart from brightness, settings can be made on both external control panels for both sides of the screed.

Working Window
Opening the Working Window
Press the F2 key to lock the operation of Niveltronic Plus from the other external control panel. The function can be switched on and off from both sides. The setting is retained until changed again.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
If one external control panel is displayed, then only the corresponding side can be operated. If two external control panels are displayed, both grade and slope sensors can be operated.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Here, you can press the F1/F2 keys for the left side and F4/F5 keys for the right side to adjust the working window for the Niveltronic grade sensors.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

Factory default setting: 5 cm (corresponds to a working window of -2.5 cm and +2.5 cm)

Function: In the event of a deviation within the set working window, the automatic grade and slope control is switched off until the paver has passed an obstacle (stone, shovel, depression, etc.) that has been overrun.

Adjustment range: +5 mm to +99 mm

Accessing Calibration
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

Step 1: Press the F3 key on the main menu.

Step 2: Press the F1 key in the newly opened submenu.

Step 3: The Calibration menu will open.

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control Press the CAL key to access the calibration function.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

Example: Display while paving with grade on the left and slope on the right.

Displayed value: 1.53% (actual)

But the measurement of the paving result shows a different result.

Measure the transverse slope (example: similar measurement)
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
You can also use a (calibrated) digital spirit level.
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

After accessing the Calibration screen, the actual value can be cross-checked and applied:

Calibration is used to cross-check the displayed actual value against the value measured behind the screed. The display of the grade sensor can also be changed if necessary. The setting is retained until changed again.

Changing the Actual Value

Press the F1/F2/F4/F5 keys to adjust the displayed actual value.

Opening the Sensitivity Screen
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
To open the Sensitivity screen, press the marked key (Niveltronic Basic). Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

You can use the + and - keys on the display to set the sensitivity for the respective side of the screed. The setting is retained until changed again.

Use the F1/F2 keys to set the grade and slope control on the left side.

Use the F4/F5 keys to set the grade and slope control on the right side.

Meaning of the Sensitivity Values:

- Factory default setting = 5

- Niveltronic 'slow' = 0

- Niveltronic 'responsive' = 9

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control
Biểu đồ đơn giản của các tín hiệu từ cảm biến đến ty nâng hạ bàn đầm
Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

The control response of the screed raising/lowering cylinders is influenced by adjusting the pause intervals between signals. The longer the pause (sensitivity setting < 5) between the signals from the sensor, the slower the cylinder adjusts:

- Slower response: Causes the cylinder to move less, resulting in a smoother surface. For example, with a relatively uneven reference.

- Faster response: With a sensitivity setting > 5, the response is more responsive, causing the cylinder to move more, creating ideal conditions for copying the reference. For example, speed bumps, curb ramps.

Niveltronic - automatic grade and slope control

Step 1: Press the F3 key on the main menu.

Step 2: Press the F5 key in the newly opened submenu.

Step 3: Use the + / - keys to adjust the brightness to the operator's needs.


Videos about the Big Multiplex Ski sensor:





Slope sensor



Variable mechanical grade sensor


Joint Mode

Egde Mode

Gutter Mode

Stringline Mode

Multi-cell sonic sensor


Joint Mode


Egde Mode

Gutter Mode

Stringline Mode

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