The following article shares with readers the competitive advantages of the Vogele S2100-3 paver compared to models in the same segment of other brands such as: Dynapac SD2550CS, Volvo 8820C. We hope you enjoyed this article!

vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c

You can view the Vogele Super 2100-3 catalog at: HERE



vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c

Engine output: 186 kW

Laydown rate: 1100 tons/h

Transport width: 2.55 m

Pave width, max.: 13 m

Screed heating: electric

Engine output: 194 kW

Laydown rate: 1100 tons/h

Transport width: 2.55 m

Pave width, max.: 14 m

Screed heating: electric or gas

Engine output: 200 kW

Laydown rate: 1100 tons/h

Transport width: 2.55 m

Pave width, max.: 13 m

Screed heating: electric or gas

Ergonomics and Overview

vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Clear platform design Platform difficult to lock in place Unclear platform with multiple operating units
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
Designed for a quick change of working position from right to left. Awkward for changing working position quickly Console can be pivoted at point of rotation. Locking device difficult to access.
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
Ergonomic and convenient to operate Poor ergonomic design. Not designed for the operator's convenience. No emergency off function within visual range of the operator.


vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Individually adjustable swivelling seat. Heated seat available as an option. Plenty of legroom for the operator. Uncomfortable working position. Slightly lateral operation. Console has to be constantly repositioned.
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
Colour display with easilly identifiable symbols Highly reflective display especial when the sun is shining on it. Membrane keypad with tactile strips. Activation of funtions not clearly tangible. Slipping can result in operating errors.
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
High-contrast display with good readability. Only vital information is displayed. Overloaded menu graphics. Too much information on each page. Overloaded and unclear menu graphics. No possibility of storing paving programmes.

Visual Range

vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Very good all-round view Limited visual range Limited visual range
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
Operator has an optimized view of the material hopper, direction indicator and screed. Limited view to the front due to high engine contour Screed tow point is displayed mechanically. Only the paver operator can see both indicators. The screed operator can only see the indicator on their side (blue arrow). The indicator on the opposite side cannot be read off (red arrow).
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
Unobstructed view of auger tunnel for monitoring the head of mix and the screed. View of screed impaired by gas cylinders and heating box. View of screed impaired by gas cylinders and heating box.


vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Voluntary audit for "Conformity with the Essential Health and Safety Requirement of 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. Danger of operator being crushed between screed arm and chassis. No type testing. Internal controls only
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
No danger to screed personnel from snagging. Accidental damage is prevented. Unfavourable cable routing and arrangement of plug connectors. Risk of damage, loss of contact and snagging. Warming light obscured
vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d vogele s1800-3, dynapac sd2500cs, volvo 6820c, cat ap655-d
Smart routing prevents tripping over cables and hydraulic hoses Dangerous routing of the gas line in the area of the screed's descent Tubing and cables secured with cable ties.

Screed and Crown

vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Side plates high and robust. Material does not overflow to the outside Low, thin-walled side plates. Overflowing material. Height adjustment jams due to the pressure of the material from the inside. Material overflows on account of low and unstable side plates. If the material then presses from the inside, the height adjusting mechanism becomes blocked.
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c  
Sliding coupling ensures that bolt-on extensions are quick and easy to fit Extensions comprise lots of loose parts with danger of loss during transport of assembly.  
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
At least 25mm overlap between extending unit and basic screed. Smooth surface texture when screed is fully extended. No residual overlap between extending unit and basic screed. Strips form when screed is fully extended. As there is no overlap when the screed is fully extended, there is a gap between the basic screed and the extending unit, resulting in the formation of streaks in the pavement surface.
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c  
Hydraulic crown adjustment. Adjusted from the screed operator's console. Crown adjustment cover blocked by steps. Narrow handle - risk of injury.  
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c  
Two hydraulic rams per side prevent the hopper walls from bending Only one hydraulic ram per side, high bending moments in the hopper wall  
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c   vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
The head of mix in front of the screed is uniformly spread over the full pave width. Adjusting the auger and the limiting plates for the auger tunnel in height ensures the paving material remains in the auger tunnel when paving layers of varying thickness.   Since only the auger height can be adjusted, spreading material can spill over the limit plates, as they are locked in place.

Brand Comparison

vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c

A brand within a group of companies that is involved exclusively in the road and mineral technologies industry.

Worldwide network of authorized dealers and branches.

Rapid availability of parts and service technicians worldwide.

The ultimate in product quality developed and produced in Germany

Only a niche within a group of companies that is not established in the road construction industry (Atlas Copco).

Receding market shares worldwide; declining customer confidence in products and brand.

Quality problems with SD series were never consistently resolved.

Problems in the on-site provisioning of parts and service.

Staff downsizing/migration at Wardenburg plant, Germany

Many employees left after integration into the VOLVO Group

Central service and parts centre in Belgium

No direct point of contact at factory

Problems in the on-site provisioning of parts and service

Virtually no expert consultants for pavers in the VOLVO branch offices


VOGELE S2100-3 VOLVO 8820 C
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Screed console with built-in grade and slope control. Large display. Information displayed on both screed consoles. Separate consoles for grade and slope control and for screed operator. Small display. Infomation displayed on the respective console.
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Screed console with high-pwer LED for illuminating the pavement edges Addittional magnet-mounted working light can shift position during operation.
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c Hydraulic crown control via additional operating unit (optional).
Hydraulic crown control. Simple adjustment directly from the screed consoles.


VOGELE S2100-3 VOLVO 8820 C
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Clear arrangement of all components. Maintenance-free liquid-cooled generator flange-mounted directly on the splitter gearbox. V-belt-free generator drive. Generator housed in the centre of the engine compartment. V-belt drive. Cooling air supply via low-quality hose, danger of heat built-up.
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Replaceable controllers. Automatic reprogramming when controllers are replaced. Replaceable controllers
vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c vogele s2100-3 và dynapac sd2500cs và volvo 8820c
Clear arrangement and hose routing. Quick and simple maintenance. Unstructured hose routing. Poor access to maintenance points.


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Tags: Dynapac SD2550CS, Volvo 8820C, Vogele S2100-3

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